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The course catalogue for CEE at MIT is available here.

All classes taught by Colette have stellar or canvas websites. Here is the overview:

1.085/12.336J: Air Pollution and Atmospheric Chemistry
(Undergraduate, Fall)

Objectives: Provide a working knowledge of basic air quality issues, with emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach to investigating the sources, transformations and effects of pollution.

Pre-requisites: 18.03 or equivalent


Course Syllabus: Download Fall 2022


Powerpoint Slides: Download Fall 2015

Note that slides omit in-class derivations.

Thanks to Daniel Jacob and Sonia Kreidenweis for material.


Description: Air pollution degrades the environment and impacts human health, agriculture and climate. Investigating the sources and effects of air pollution requires a multi-disciplinary approach. This course aims to provide a working knowledge of basic air quality issues. Topics include: emission sources, atmospheric chemistry and removal processes, meteorological phenomena and their impact on pollution transport at local to global scales, air pollution control technologies, health effects, and regulatory standards. Regional and global issues such as acid rain, ozone depletion and air quality connections to climate change will be discussed.

1.841/12.817J: Atmospheric Composition and Global Change
(Graduate, Spring, not offered every year)

Objectives: To explore how atmospheric chemical composition both drives and responds to climate, with a particular focus on feedbacks via the biosphere.

Pre-requisites: 1.84/12.807 or equivalent


Course Syllabus: Download Spring 2023


Powerpoint Slides: Download Spring 2016

Class Structure: Mixed lecture and discussion graduate seminar class. Discussion will encompass articles from the recent scientific literature.

1.976: Graduate Student Professional Development Seminar
(Graduate, Fall 2022)
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Objective: This course is designed for second-year MIT graduate students in Course 1. The aim is to prepare you for success on your General Exam, in your graduate career, and in your professional pursuits after completion of the PhD. In each Professional Development session, we will partner with existing MIT resources to address one or more aspects of professional development, and you will have the opportunity to execute practice versions of written and oral elements of your general exam in preparation for the real thing. Concurrently, you will build a community amongst your cohort of graduate student peers in CEE, who will be valuable social and professional resources at MIT and beyond.

Course Syllabus: Download Fall 2022

1.S977: Frontiers in Atmospheric Chemistry
(Graduate, Fall 2020)
1.S977 Poster.jpg

Objective: This special subject is coupled to a multi-institutional virtual seminar series (Frontiers in Atmospheric Chemistry Seminar Series) hosted by MIT in AY20-21. This subject will expose graduate students to new research in the field, and provide opportunities to discuss the previous work of seminar presenters in a journal club format with student colleagues across multiple institutions. The intention of this class is to help compensate for lost research dissemination and networking opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Pre-requisite: 1.84J/12.807 or equivalent

Course Syllabus: Download Fall 2020

1.031/1.S992: Senior Civil and Environmental Engineering Design
(Undergraduate, Spring 2014)

Objectives: The objective of this class is to synthesize prior educational concepts from the Civil and Environmental Engineering program into a full year design experience. This will be achieved through the concurrent exploration of three major projects: first the design of a campus "smart city", second, the deployment and analysis of a specific on-campus sensor network, and third a structural tower design and fabrication project. Through this class students will participate in all levels of design: research, system design, prototyping, and analysis. Complementary lectures will introduce students to recent advances and relevant concepts in sensor network design. Instruction and practice in oral and written communication are an integral part of this course.

Description: In Fall 2013 / Spring 2014, the CEE seniors at MIT designed, built, and implemented an air quality sensor network on MIT's campus. The network consisted of both outdoor and indoor nodes which measure PM number, O3, NO, NO2, and CO.


Course Syllabus: Download 2014


Courses taught at Colorado State University

ATS 621: Graduate Atmospheric Chemistry
ATS 762: Graduate Biosphere-Chemistry-Climate Interactions
ATS 681: Graduate Interpreting Satellite Observations of Atmospheric Composition


Details of these classes can be found: here

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